Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Class of Copperplate for April 27 at Beverly Hills.
Today we learned how to connect letters into words and sentences. As you write each letter you begin with the #7 as an entrance stroke. When you connect letter to letter the last part of the previous letter creates the entrance stroke to the new letter. Take an l, it's made from; #7,#5, #3. The right side of the #3 becomes the entrance stroke to the next letter. Look at the Alphabet Sentences that were written by Satomi Wada. These will help you see the connections of each letter to the next. The homework is to write the alphabet sentences using the vermillion ink, Gillot 404, 1/4" guidelines. Then use all the other nibs, be sure to make notes on your nib identification chart, and make notes on your homework so you can remember which nib you wrote with each time. You will learn which nib writes best on this paper for this ink and this size. Then try all the other sizes of guidelines, 3/16" (medium) and 1/8" (small). Some of the nibs aren't the best for smaller writing. These are things that you need to learn to be successful at copperplate. 

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